Lighten Theater
The Lighten Theater, located in Pauli Murray and Benjamin Franklin Colleges, is an intimate Juliet- or courtyard-style theater with adjustable seating with a standard arrangement of 71 seats. The main performance space is approximately 20’ wide and 20’ deep, and is equipped with fixed grid with a height of 18’-9”. There are additional performance areas upstage on the main floor and in the balcony. There is a backstage crossover with dressing rooms and bathrooms.
The space is equipped with Source Four lighting equipment, a sound system, video projector, and a white cyc on a roll drop. The theater includes a sprung dance floor and an optional marley dance floor. The theater is fully accessible.
Application for theater venues is integrated into the CPA application. It is not necessary to submit separate applications to individual theaters if you are applying for a CPA award. The application, along with additional information about the CPA Awards, may be found on the Creative and Performing Arts website.
Productions not applying through the CPA should fill out the Lighten Application.