Off-Campus Performance Venues
Please be aware that the Undergraduate Production Regulations, as well as the Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies Program production policies when appropriate, will be applied to those productions held off-campus.
If you wish to produce an off-campus production as a Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies project, submit your proposal to the Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies Program’s Director of Undergraduate Studies by the end of the academic year prior to the projected performance. Before applying, evaluate all on-campus venues to see if any of these spaces will meet your needs. A strong artistic argument will be required to justify the use of an off-campus venue.
If you wish to produce an off-campus production as an extracurricular project, Undergraduate Production, with the oversight of the Office of the Associate Dean for the Arts in Yale College, will be responsible for considering and approving the request. Requests should be submitted at least 12 weeks prior to the first date you wish to enter the space for load-in or rehearsals. This is to allow sufficient time to assess the safety of the proposed venue, the scope of work in designing and producing the event, and the cost.
Procedures for Using Off-Campus Venues
Step 1: Visit and assess all potential campus theater venues and non-theater spaces to determine if there is an appropriate campus location for the production. Locations may include outdoor spaces, residential college common rooms, and other places not typically used for performance.
Step 2: Obtain permission to pursue and secure a specific off-campus venue only if there is no on-campus alternative that meets the artistic needs of the production. Curricular productions need the approval of the Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies DUS; extracurricular productions require permission from Undergraduate Production. Permission to pursue and investigate a possible venue does not constitute approval to use the space. Final approval depends upon successful execution and completion of all steps.
Step 3: Obtain two documents from the off-campus venue, a certificate of insurance and a New Haven Fire Department inspection certificate to demonstrate previous compliance. These should be submitted to the appropriate office, either the Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies Program or Undergraduate Production, who in turn will pass them on the Office of Risk Management for approval. All documentation must be submitted to the Office of Risk Management at least two weeks before the first date you wish to enter the space. This two-week window pertains to the earliest scheduled preproduction use of the space by your team, including rehearsals. The space may not be used until the proper agreements and certifications are executed.
Step 4: Once the venue is approved for safety by the Office of Risk Management, the Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies Program or Undergraduate Production executes a standard agreement of use with the venue and submits a signed copy to the Office of Risk Management.
If the steps cannot be fulfilled, best efforts will be made to assist students in finding an acceptable alternative location.
Application of Fire Code Compliance
The Yale University Guidelines for fire code compliance apply to all undergraduate productions, on or off-campus. The City of New Haven Fire Marshal may conduct inspections of such venues. In the process of your productions plan review, Undergraduate Production will inform Yale University Fire Code Compliance of your production. Fire Code Compliance will make required arrangements with the New Haven Fire Marshal.
All aspects of Fire Code Compliance set out within the Yale Undergraduate Production Regulations will be applied to those productions held off-campus.