David Geffen School of Drama Inventory

Properties Warehouse Guide | Costume Collection Guide

General Inventory Information

Yale undergraduate students are allowed to purchase expendables and common building materials from the the David Geffen School of Drama at Yale inventory stock room. In addition to everything UP can provide (like tape, fire retardant, and lighting gel), the School of Drama has lumber, hardware, personal protective equipment, and much much more. If you plan to use this inventory or are curious about pricing, please give a list of everything you wish to purchase to your UP Technical Director, who will manage the purchase of your materials.

On top of the inventory stock room, Yale undergraduate students are allowed access to the Properties Warehouse and the Costume Collection. When utilizing these resources it is important to follow the School of Drama rules closely. The School is not required to rent props or costumes to undergraduates, and violation of the rules may jeopardize future undergraduate use.

If you plan to rent from the Props or Costume Collection, it is important that you schedule your rental well ahead of time. You must schedule the return of your rented materials when you initiate the rental process. Plan on doing these returns as part of strike.

David Geffen School of Drama Properties Warehouse Guide

Contact Information

Mark Dionne

Planning to rent props from the School of Drama? Complete the first contact form before your first visit to the warehouse.

The School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theatre Properties inventory is currently open to all productions advised by Yale Undergraduate Production. The rental of properties is subject to availability. Groups within the School of Drama have priority over all outside users. The School of Drama reserves the right to deny rental to any party due to scheduling conflicts, prior obligations, or abuse of the rules that follow.

Hours and Appointments

If it is your first time contacting the warehouse for your current production, complete the first contact form to send your information to the warehouse manager. The inventory is open by appointment   Mondays 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM, Wednesdays 9 AM – 4 PM, andThursdays 12:30 PM-4 PM.   

You can use the first contact form to suggest appointment times at least one week in advance of your arrival. Please be aware that the inventory is in two locations and two visits may be necessary. In case of emergency closure, you will be notified by phone or email.

Rental Fees

There is a minimum rental fee of $100 for any properties rented from the warehouse. The minimum rental will cover up to 4 large items or 16 small items or an equivalent combination for a maximum of four weeks. The rental charge will be set at the time of the rental and will vary with the complexity, uniqueness, value, size, and length of the rental period, at the discretion of the warehouse manager. The minimum rental fee is covered by Yale College for undergraduate performances approved and advised by Undergraduate Production and does not need to be included in undergraduate production budgets. Teams renting more props than covered by the $100 fee will need to cover the extra cost from their production budget and provide payment before prop delivery.


Productions will be charged a lost/damaged fee for props that are broken, lost, or damaged, including unauthorized alterations. The charge will vary depending on the value of the prop and the number of props lost or damaged.

Properties Delivery and Return

Managed delivery and return of properties for productions advised by Yale Undergraduate Productions can be arranged through the warehouse manager. Please schedule a delivery or pickup at least two weeks in advance to allow sufficient time to reserve a School of Drama vehicle. You must bring enough personnel to move the properties from the warehouse to the delivery vehicle and from the delivery vehicle to your performance space. The return of the properties follows the same procedure. You must have enough personnel to move properties from the performance space to the delivery vehicle and from the vehicle to their proper locations at the warehouse. The fee for delivery or return of properties is a minimum of $50.00 each way for the first hour and $25.00 for every additional half hour. Please note that personal transportation to and from the warehouse is the responsibility of the renting party. One delivery and one pick up are covered by Yale College and do not need to be included in undergraduate production budgets. Teams requiring more than one delivery or pick up will need to cover those costs from their production budget.

Method of Payment

Members of the Yale community may pay by Chart of Account charging instructions (COA). COA payments must be authorized by the sponsoring residential college or department and emailed to the warehouse manager with maximum approved budget 24 hours before props may be checked out. Additional charges may be billed for damage or loss, as determined by the warehouse manager. Failure to make full payment will be grounds for terminating rental privileges. 

Changes to Properties

Rental properties may not be changed in color, size, or structure without prior approval of the warehouse manager. Painting, defacing, or damaging of any rented properties will result in a lost/damaged fee charges.

Location and Directions

The Properties Warehouse is located at 105 Leeder Hill Drive in Hamden.  

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David Geffen School of Drama Costume Collection Guide

Contact Information

Jamie Farkas


The Costume Collection is open to theatrical communities inside and outside of Yale University. Groups within the School of Drama have priority over others.

Please read over this information and complete the attached forms so that the borrowing or renting process can flow smoothly.

Hours and Appointments

Costume Collection hours are by appointment only. Appointments should be made a week in advance for viewing, pulling, or returning costumes. Available hours are from 12:30-4:40 PM Monday through Thursday. Costumes may be put on hold a maximum of four weeks before opening night, and checked out a maximum of three weeks before opening night.

Pulling and Checkout

Measure all actors before coming to the Collection; you will not be permitted to pull from the Collection without measurements. Please do not restock items you decide not to use. Leave them on a rack and notify the Manager. Food and drink are not permitted in the aisles. Multi-piece costumes such as suits or period gowns may be checked out separately, but bring the full costume to checkout. Fittings are not permitted on the premises.


Costumes are due back to the Collection within seven business days of close of show. An appointment must be made for costumes to be checked back in. Late fees of $10 a day will be charged for up to two weeks after the return date. After that, the full price of any missing items will be charged. For large pulls, please put costumes in order of invoice to avoid lengthy check-in appointments. Return measurement tags with their items and notate any size changes. Carefully check for pins and needles before returning. If you anticipate a delay in your return, please immediately notify the Manager to negotiate a new return date.

Any non-costume items or costumes not from the collection that are left behind will result in a disposal fee. This includes face paint, jewelry, hair nets, and new clothing purchased for the show.

Dry Cleaning

Undergraduate groups may return non-dry cleaned costumes and the Collection will arrange for dry cleaning. The dry cleaning cost will be added to your rental.

Yale Dramat Association rentals must be returned professionally dry cleaned, pressed flat, and on hangers. Dry cleaning receipts should be attached to all clothing.  YDA may access the School of Drama rate by contacting Executive Cleaners directly.

Alterations & Care

Cutting, dying, and other permanent alterations of costumes are not allowed. Minor non-permanent alterations are permitted. Safety pin or sew your name labels; do not use tape.

Payment Information

A Rental Pricing Guide is attached below. Please note that all prices include sales tax. More pricing is available upon request. Prices are subject to change.

For Yale affiliates, the provided COA will only be processed upon the return of all items to the costume shop after dry cleaning. The provided account will be charged for any items kept out past opening night, whether or not they were used, any late fees, and any damaged or missing items.

Yale undergraduates must submit the following information to the Costume Collection Manager in order to check out costumes:

  1. Measurements of all your actors (in inches, not store sizes)
  2. A list of all the looks you intend to pull during your appointment
  3. Sudler/CPA grant approval (a COA authorization from the Head of College’s Office) with a maximum budget (Yale Dramat students do not need this)
  4. The costume designer must be present at all appointments with the Costume Collection Manager for Yale Dramat productions

All of these must be completed prior to your appointment.


The Costume Collection is located on campus at 149 York Street, between Crown and Chapel. Use the callbox to the left of the door to request entrance to the Collection.

School of Drama Costume Collection 1st Visit Form

School of Drama Costume Collection Rental Pricing Info and Dry Cleaning Estimates - updated May 2022

School of Drama Costume Sample Invoice

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