
The producer of any student show serves as the key point-person for the production and is responsible for initiating and maintaining contact with Undergraduate Production.

Completion of specific UP workshops is required for this position. The Yale Drama Coalition and the Yale Dramatic Association are also good sources of support and information. Please review the more detailed information available in the Production Roadmap.

At Least Six Weeks Prior to Performance

  • Upon deciding to mount a production at Yale the producer must:
    • Set up an appointment with a UP Technical Director to discuss your project, no less than four weeks prior to load in.  If you plan to include staged combat or stage weapons these permissions must be secured even earlier.
    • Begin the process of applying for funding and performance space.
    • Secure the performance rights for any copyrighted material. Proof of these rights must be submitted to UP.
  •  Assemble a qualified staff.

Three Weeks Prior to Performance

  • Stay in touch with your UP Technical Director, meeting as appropriate.
  • Confirm your final performance dates and times with UP.

Two Weeks Prior to Performance

  • A final check-in meeting with UP to confirm that you are ready to proceed with load-in.
  • Submit your designer’s completed lighting plot to UP. Once approved, make arrangements to borrow equipment from UP inventories as needed.

One Week Prior to Performance

  • Load your show into the performance space.
  • Your fire code compliance inspection will take place on the Wednesday before your production opens between 4:00 and 6:00 pm. 


  • Load-out/strike – Immediately following the final performance your staff will begin striking your show from the theater.
  • After-strike – The day after your strike, return equipment, props, and any other borrowed or rented items.