Lighting Designer
The lighting designer uses light to enhance the meaning of the production and help realize the director’s vision.
Completion of specific UP workshops is required for this position. The Yale Drama Coalition and the Yale Dramatic Association are also good sources of support and information.
The following is a sample timeline. Your timeline will depend upon the scope and scale of your production.
At Least Six Weeks Prior to Performance
Speak with the director and other designers to develop design concepts and establish a schedule for sharing design plans.
Four Weeks Prior to Performance
Begin design work using research and observations made at rehearsals.
Three Weeks Prior to Performance
Attend rehearsals and experiment with lighting options. Seek advice from the UP Technical Director as needed.
Two Weeks Prior to Performance
Complete light plot showing instrument type and location within a ground plan of the production design. This plot may be hand-drawn or drawn using Vectorworks, a software program available on the student workstation located at the Broadway Rehearsal Lofts. Submit drawings to the UP Technical Director for approval and meet to discuss as needed.
One Week Prior to Performance
Once a light plot is approved by the UP Technical Director, the designer should work with the head electrician to review the plot and plan a work schedule. The designer should be prepared to adjust the plot as necessary based on equipment availability and budget.
The designer should attend the load-in planning meeting and be present when the equipment is loaded into the space.
Technical Rehearsals
- Coordinate electrics crew work with the head electrician as needed. Help resolve issues that may arise.
- Lead focus call with head electrician
- Attend technical rehearsals to ensure the design serves as intended and to assist with any adjustments that may be needed.
- During technical rehearsals create lighting cues for the lighting board operator.
- Make adjustments as necessary in consultation with the director.